Dispensa No. 4 ‘Inhabiting Interference’ at Terzo Spazio, Zolfo Rosso.
«Nei licheni un organismo si dipana in un intero ecosistema e un ecosistema si addensa in un organismo. Passano da un “tutto” a un “insieme di parti” e ritorno. Passare continuamente da una prospettiva all’altra è un’esperienza che può confondere. “Individuo” viene da una parola latina che significa “indivisibile”. Individuo è il lichene nella sua interezza? Oppure lo sono le sue parti costitutive, i suoi membri? Soprattutto, è la domanda giusta da porsi? I licheni sono il prodotto degli scambi tra le loro parti più che delle parti prese singolarmente. Sono reti stabili di relazioni e non smettono mai di lichenizzare: sono verbi e allo stesso tempo sostantivi.»   
Starting from this quotation, the workshop developed from pair work: the participants were asked to answer three questions related to their relationship with culture, nature and the space they live in. Subsequently, the relationship with what is non-human and the distinction between inside-outside were investigated through the medium of food, understood as a memory in a twofold sense: firstly, of our connection with our surroundings and our original environment - what we commonly call nature - and, secondly, with the cultural traditions rooted in our inhabitation of the world and our specific context of belonging - what we define as culture.  Food, being an inseparable union of nourishment and cultural dimension, was the starting point to rethink this opposition between two apparently distinct poles as a fictitious creation made by the human being himself and deconstructible under the banner of a profound union - this, while assuming its rootedness in our Western cultural outlook. “Third Scope: Brown” - part of the Exquisite Bodies project - is thus inserted as an experiential glimmer aimed at promoting contact with corporeity and a sensory access to reality. All this, introducing an obligatory change of perspective by experimenting with gastronomic cultural objects in new forms. After a hand-washing ritual, a Caffè con biscotto was served, reproposed in a new form and chosen as a characterising element of Italian culture and its convivial dimension. After these two moments of reflection in pairs and then of individual experience - although the collective dimension was indispensable throughout the experiment - the discussion opened on the themes that guided the theoretical-practical experiment as well as the exhibition route.
Talk and workshop    
Terzo Spazio, Venice, Italy.     

Zolfo Rosso 
●Co-operation → Hetty Laycock, Miriam Del Seppia
●Cure →  Alessandra Luisa Cozzi, Martino De Vincenti,Giulia Mariachiara Galiano. ●Photo →  Alessandra Luisa Cozzi