Poverissima was an event organized by the MoaiPress editorial team during the Turin Art Week in 2022. It was a collective action, a free event, a private space turned public, a photocopier, many recovered sheets, unknown people, over 50 artists, illustrators, poets, photographers, vandals, a room on the first floor, on November 3rd, at Via Milano 13 in Turin. It ran from 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM with approximately 1500 attendees. The concept was very simple: accessible and shareable works for everyone, with the only limit being the common sense of leaving the opportunity for those who arrived later to enjoy them as well. Poverissima was driven by the desire to create something simple that navigated outside the commercial and stale routes of the Turin Art Week, where everything revolves around image and the commercialization of artistic products. It wasn't an act of protest but rather an attempt to create an atmosphere capable of promoting different forms of social interaction, based on mutual exchange and discussion, outside of economic dynamics and without the need to consume to participate. For this reason, everything was marked by thriftiness or, we can say, "poverty": free wine, free art, and free social interaction. Even the paper, which was required in large quantities for the project, was not purchased but recovered from abandoned spaces. After the event, a selection of works by the participating artists was collected, and a freely accessible digital publication was created and made available on the MoaiPress website (www.moaipress.it). An integral part of the work was a strong and effective media strategy that, through a website (www.poverissima.it) and other communication strategies, ensured that the event became an integral part of the official program of the Turin Art Week.
03.11.2022 04.11.2022     
Private house, Via Milano 13, Turin, Italy.   

Moai Press 
Torino Art Week 2022
●Guest →  2501, Aldo Giannotti, Alfano, Andrea de Franco, Andrea Opretti, BR1, Brad Downey, Caos, Caterina Scolari, Davide Zamboni, Double Why, Elfo, Ema Jons, FatGomez, Flemos, Giacomo Spazio, Giga, Giuseppe Salis, Guerrilla Spam, Hogre, Illustre Feccia, Kami Mani, Kenshiro Caravaggio Carena, Koala, Lorenzo Silvestri, Luca Zoccola, Malomodo, Marco Isaias Bertoglio, Marco Rota, Massimiliano Vitti, Mehstre, Noemi Vola, ok niente scherzi, Olmo, Other, Padre Bio, Pepe Tirelli, NOreason, Sheko, Silvia Basiano, Snem, Solero, Stealthisposter, Stefano Fiorina, Supe, Tera Drop, Testa Tonda, Three Faces, Ufocinque, Veronelli, Woc. ●Shoot → Simone Dipietro (Panta) ●Edit → Dario Chiadini